Mais Vida Menos Lixo was developed as a holistic waste management program in Barrinha - Ceará, Brazil, encompassing the whole waste management cycle - from disposal and collection to recycling, transforming waste into resources for the local community.

PRONTO! was a pilot project developed by the Institute with collaboration with SAS - Saúde e Alegria nos Sertões - with the goal of bringing prompt health service to tourists and local residents in the region of Preá, Ceará - Brazil.

PRONTO! was a pilot project developed by the Institute with collaboration with SAS - Saúde e Alegria nos Sertões - with the goal of bringing prompt health service to tourists and local residents in the region of Preá, Ceará - Brazil.

A fim de contribuir para a preservação ambiental e a conservação das espécies nativas, o Instituto mantém um Viveiro de Mudas dedicado a conservar e recuperar a
vegetação nativa da região, além de promover a biodiversidade local, a educação e sensibilização ambiental, e contribuir para o fortalecimento dos ecossistemas vivos.